2018 Ongoing Projects

I.        Medical Support to the Liberian Health System

With the help of our Belgian partners, we have collected medical equipment and materials (2 years old) which can be distributed to health centers and hospitals in Liberia. ULAB leadership has already made a field visit to identify specific needs for which materials and medical equipment will be distributed next.

   II.        Improving the educational process at school

Support to the teaching process and paving the interior of the school building in order to improve school participation and health of students and teachers.

PASTURE ACADEMY MARSHALL, Marshall, Margibi County.

Liberians in Belgium/ School project Liberians in Belgium/Marshall School

Liberians in Belgium

2017 – 2018 SCHOOLS PROJECT in Liberia

Today, April 5th, 2018, The ULAB & EFLA President, Mr. Kingston W. WLEH Sr. accompagnied by Mr. Johnson McGILL and Mr. Alim Alphonso SESAY visited and distributed the ULAB donations to the students and teachers of the school benefiting of our 2017 project « Scolarisation support to the children in Liberia.

Thanks to all the ULAB members who contributed to the succes of our project !

The first donation was made to PASTURE ACADEMY MARSHALL, Marshall, Margibi County.

The second donation was made to Vanzua Public School, Cape Mount County.